Why Do Cats Chew Grass?

Cats are such unique creatures. They have truly enigmatic personalities and peculiar habits, often leaving us human companions scratching our heads, wondering what their motivations could possibly be.

One question always stands out among these intriguing behaviours: why do cats chew grass?

It might seem unusual at first glance, but this is actually a common trait in the feline world. They could be experiencing stomach troubles, looking to gain more nutrients in their diet, simply like the flavour, and much more!

In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind why cats like eating grass, as well as more seemingly bizarre actions, like why cats eat grass and then throw up! Each of these behaviours offers a key insight into the complex nature of our feline friends. From health-related motives to instinctual drives, we will uncover the multifaceted reasons behind this grassy conundrum. 

Tabby cat biting grass.
Tabby cat biting grass.

Why Do Cats Chew On & Eat Grass

While it might seem out of character for these natural carnivores, there are several compelling reasons why cats like eating grass.

Seeking Health Benefits

One of the key reasons why cats eat and chew on grass is for its nutritional value. Grass juice can be rich in folic acid – a vitamin also found in a mother cat's milk that plays vital roles in several bodily functions, such as aiding in oxygen transportation and supporting overall cell growth. Cats chewing on grass may instinctively supplement their diet to ensure they receive enough of this crucial vitamin.

Quicken Bowel Movements

Grass serves as a natural laxative. As cats regularly groom themselves, they can ingest a lot of their fur, which can cause internal disruption. Grass can help regulate a cat’s digestive system and move hairballs through their tract more smoothly, preventing constipation and potential blockages.

Induce Vomiting & Relieve an Upset Stomach

As a cat owner, you’ve likely discovered a mess somewhere in your home or garden and wondered, ‘Why do cats eat grass and throw up?’ Well, it might be an evolutionary instinct kicking in to address an upset stomach. Cats lack the necessary enzymes to digest large amounts of grass properly, so eating a lot of it often leads them to vomit. Yes, this might seem a little gross and potentially concerning, but it's a perfectly natural way for cats to cleanse their digestive system.

Some Cats Just Like Eating Grass!

Sometimes, our furry friends simply enjoy the experience of eating grass. The texture and taste, however unpalatable to us, can appeal to certain felines. They can find it enjoyable and satisfying, much like a treat!

How to Help: Safety and Prevention For Cats Who Do Chew Grass

Now we have explored this behaviour; you need to ensure the safety and health of your feline friends while they indulge in this natural habit.

As part of our commitment to ongoing cat care, here are some tips to help you manage and safeguard your cat's grass-chewing activities:

  • Provide Safe Grass Options: Consider growing cat-safe grass at home, including wheatgrass or special cat grass kits available at pet stores. Doing so ensures the grass they consume is free from pesticides and herbicides, which can harm their health.
  • Monitor Grass Consumption: While understanding why cats eat grass and then throw up is important, regular vomiting can indicate underlying health issues. Monitor how often your cat eats grass and how they react afterwards. Frequent vomiting warrants a vet visit.
  • Limit Outdoor Access: If you're concerned about why cats eat grass and vomit when outdoors, consider limiting their outdoor time or supervising their outdoor activities. Doing so helps you control their access to potentially treated or contaminated grass.
  • Check for Plant Toxicity: Not all plants are safe for cats. Ensure all houseplants and garden plants are non-toxic to cats, removing or replacing any that could pose a risk.


  • Is it Okay for Cats to Chew on Grass?

    Yes, it is generally okay for cats to chew on grass. The behaviour is a natural part of feline instincts and can provide various benefits, such as aiding digestion and providing essential nutrients like folic acid. Just ensure the grass they have access to is safe and free from chemicals like pesticides and herbicides. 

  • Do Cats Eat Grass When They Have Worms?

    One theory is that cats eat grass when they have worms or other gastrointestinal parasites, the hypothesis being that the grass acts to reduce the impact of parasites. However, this should not be relied upon for parasite control as it has not been shown to be effective. Given the risk that cat parasites can pose, both to your cat and yourself, it is important to use scientifically proven, effective worm control treatments, such as NexGard SPECTRA® for Cats.

  • Do Cats Eat Grass When They Don't Feel Well?

    Cats may eat grass when they don't feel well to relieve discomfort from an upset stomach. Eating grass and subsequently vomiting can help them expel undigestible materials, such as fur from grooming, which might be causing them discomfort. If your cat is frequently eating grass and vomiting, speak with a vet to rule out any underlying health issues.

Learn How to Look After Your Cat

Cat Parasites

Parasites may be small, but they can be a big problem for your cats. Protect your cat with NexGard® SPECTRA Spot-On for Cats. Click to find out more!

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