Protection Parasites
Protection Parasites

Common dog parasites

They are small, discrete and are experts at avoiding detection. But look closely and you may find parasites hiding on your dog. External parasites like fleas, ticks and mites can be found hiding in your dog’s coat, or living on or in their skin, while internal parasites like heartworm and intestinal worms live inside their body. Whether internal or external, these parasites can all cause disease. That’s why you need to keep your dog protected, inside and out.

Hand with phone showing PetGard Pro screen mobile
Hand with phone showing PetGard Pro screen

Check your pet’s parasite risk with PetGard Pro

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Flea life cycle

The flea lifecycle – break it to get rid of fleas

While you might not be surprised to find fleas on your dog, you may be surprised to learn that adult fleas (the ones you see) make up only about 5% of the total population. The remaining 95% (eggs, larvae and pupae) are found in carpets and bedding - in fact anywhere in your house! Each female flea can lay up to 50 eggs per day so it doesn’t take long for an infestation to take hold. NexGard® for Dogs and NexGard SPECTRA® for Dogs kill adult fleas fast, before they can start to lay eggs, helping protect your dog and its environment.

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The Australian paralysis tick can be deadly

Australia is home to a number of tick species that can infest dogs. Of greatest concern is the deadly paralysis tick. They are found along the east coast and a single paralysis tick can kill a dog if left untreated. They are most common in spring and summer but can be found throughout the year, so any dog that lives in, or visits a paralysis tick area, should always be protected.

Click to see common ticks infesting dogs in Australia

paralysis tick insect slider
Paralysis Tick



Finding and removing ticks as early as possible is essential. Until they start feeding they are small in size.

Paralysis tick insect slider
Paralysis Tick

(Partially fed)


Once attached, the tick becomes embedded in the skin, injecting toxin as it feeds on blood and increases in size.

paralysis tick engorged insect slider
Paralysis Tick



Engorged adult ticks can reach about 1 cm in length. The toxin can cause paralysis and even death if not treated quickly

brown dog tick
Brown Dog Tick



Brown dog ticks are found across Australia. They can cause skin irritation and anaemia with heavy infestations.

Brown dog tick
Brown Dog Tick



Brown dog ticks may also transmit microscopic parasites such as Babesia, which can result in severe anaemia.

bush tick
Bush Tick



Bush ticks are found along parts of the wast and west coast of Australia. They can cause skin irritation and can transmit infectious diseases.

Learn more about ticks on dogs

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Does your dog have mites

Does your dog have mites?

Mite infestation, also called mange, can cause severe skin or ear irritation and impact your dog’s quality of life. Some mites can also be transmitted from dogs to humans, causing a disease known as scabies.


Simple, monthly dosing of NexGard for Dogs or NexGard SPECTRA for Dogs helps keep your dog healthy by treating and controlling mange and ear mites.

Learn more about mites

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Heartworm in dogs

Why protect against heartworm disease?

Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal disease seen in all mainland states of Australia. Heartworm is transmitted by mosquitoes and causes no signs of illness initially.  As they grow in the heart and blood vessels, they can cause severe lung and heart damage. Give your dog NexGard SPECTRA for Dogs or HeartGard30® PLUS monthly to protect your dog against heartworm disease.

What is heartworm disease?

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Intestinal worms

Intestinal worms are spread via dog faeces, so can be picked up anywhere from the backyard to the dog park. In very young dogs, or if present in high numbers, intestinal worms can cause gastrointestinal disease, malnutrition and anaemia. Some worms may also infect humans. NexGard SPECTRA for Dogs and ParaGard Allwormer for Dogs provide protection against the intestinal worms that commonly affect dogs in Australia.

Click through to see common intestinal worms

parasite worms
Roundworm, hookworm, whipworm

Hookworms are the most common intestinal worms affecting dogs in Australia

flea tapeworm icon

Flea tapeworm is the most common tapeworm species affecting dogs in Australia

ParaGard pack shot

Protects against common intestinal worms, including tapeworm

Learn more about worms

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