Even indoor cats are at risk through exposure to:
Worm eggs transmitted on shoes.
Parasite-infested pests such as rodents, slugs or snails.
Heartworm-infected mosquitoes.
Parasites transmitted by other pets such as dogs.

Fleas in cats
Fleas are more than just a nuisance for your cat, they can cause skin disease and, in high numbers, can cause anaemia. They can even transmit infectious or parasitic diseases, some of which can be transmitted to people too. NexGard SPECTRA® Spot-On for Cats treats and prevents flea infestations for at least 5 weeks, ensuring protection for a full month.

Ticks in cats
A single adult female paralysis tick can kill your cat if left untreated, so preventative strategies are essential. Cats can also be infested with bush ticks. Although they don’t cause tick paralysis, these ticks can cause skin inflammation and irritation at the attachment site and heavy infestations may result in anaemia from excessive blood loss. Monthly treatment with NexGard SPECTRA® Spot-On for Cats is highly effective at controlling new infestations of paralysis ticks in cats and also protects against bush ticks.

Mites and Mange in cats
Mite infestation, also called mange, can cause severe skin or ear irritation and impact your cat’s quality of life.
NexGard SPECTRA® Spot-On for Cats treats and controls ear mite infestations and notoedric mange.

Heartworms in cats
Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitoes and can cause significant lung damage as they migrate through your cat’s body. Monthly treatment with NexGard SPECTRA® Spot-On for Cats prevents heartworm disease in cats.

Worms in cats
Intestinal worms can cause gastrointestinal disease, malnutrition and anaemia in cats. Some worms (such as hookworm and roundworm) can also cause disease in people. Lungworms can cause severe, life-threatening respiratory disease in cats. NexGard SPECTRA® Spot-On for Cats is an all-wormer that treats and controls roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms and lungworms.
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NEXGARD SPECTRA®, NEXGARD®, HEARTGARD30® and PARAGARD® are registered trademarks of the Boehringer Ingelheim Group.
©2021-2024 Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Australia Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved. PET-0228-2022 PET-0203-2023.